Another busy week but I finally made some progress on my interesting iPhone app. I got the first version of my parser working so that I can parse most standard versions of the file. One thing that has made this parser more “interesting” is something said to me at WhereCamp by Philipp Kandal: “If you’re aiming at Android and iPhone platforms, code in C”. Even though my client has made no particular reference to Android, a growing interest by other clients and by myself led me to decide that the parser at least should be written in basic C. Using no more interesting libraries than , and I've got my text database file reading in a character at a time and building up a (hopefully) elegant data structure based on linked lists. I've had trouble getting my head around memory management in C in the past but I'm hoping that my experience with Objective C is going to help me after my many years of scripting languages and garbage collection.

For that project I also got going on some of the Objective C iPhone code too creating my own custom View class to generate the User Interface and a model to hold the current state of the app (currently in Objective C though I’m starting to consider moving this to C/C++ too). The view’s looking good already but I’ll be switching my current basic code out to use CALayers to enable some nifty animations later.

I finally got Foursquare “push” support working too, so if you update your location on and map yourself to a “place” we’ll try to find a similar venue on Foursquare and check you in on their site too. Currently matching is quite strict requiring that the location be within 200m and have exactly the same name but I’m looking to add some functionality to improve this by allowing people to manually match up Foursquare venues to OpenStreetMap places. I also need to add something to allow people to consolidate their old “favourites” so that they match the new OpenStreetMap places too. Not sure when I’ll do that but hopefully I’ll grab a few hours to do it in the next week or so.

Monday was spent working more on the problematic client iPhone app again. A list of specific things that needed fixing, including a problem with API sessions expiring mid, er.. session. All of these were fixed only for this to reveal that the app works really badly on anything but a perfect internet connection leading me to book another day in for next week to try to sure up the resilience a little more.

Friday involved a variety of small tasks but did result in a good Cathedral Valley lunch with local entrepreneurs, one of which was a designer eager to find a freelance developer to work with on future projects. I also had a meeting with a local agency which looks like it’ll turn into a good iPhone project so, though I didn’t get very much work done that day it may lead to some interesting future developments.

Next week is looking like more of the same with a day for my client’s PHP+JS property database app to tidy up some bugs on that. I’m hoping that I’ll get my iPhone project into a more completed state where it’s fully usable for a specific purpose if not particularly good looking. Once that milestone is hit I can start looking at future directions for it with the client.