Watch my Journey to Where 2.0
I’ve managed to knock something up that will let you track my journey from Liverpool in the UK over to San Francisco in the states. I do know I won’t be traveling the furthest but I still thought it would be fun ;-).
I’m currently (Friday lunchtime) sat in my house in Liverpool. I went for a run this morning so there is a little data in there already. I’ll be traveling down to London tonight and then going over to Heathrow and flying to San Francisco around lunchtime tomorrow. I’ll try to log my location as often as possible using the various means at my disposal. I have quite a few ways to do it so I’m hoping I’ll manage quite a good trace. I doubt I’ll get much if anything while I’m in the plane but I’ll give it a good go! Also I’ll be updating my position while I’m in California so it should end up with a full log of my trip over there. Finally, the page will automatically update itself every 5 minutes to see if my location has changed.
Note the times at the bottom, “Last checked” is the last time that the page checked for an update and “last updated” is the time that I last sent it my position. So take a look and let me know any comments you have, especially if you find a bug! I may enhance it if I get time so you might want to refresh it as well from time to time.
One other thing to mention, even when I’m accurately updating my location with my GPS I’ll still only be updating once every minute, also that page isn’t capable of updating more than once every five minutes. I’m caching the location rather than using a database lookup to make it run a bit speedier. Oh yes, I do know the arrows don’t work in IE, unfortunately VML is not capable of drawing them.
Technorati tags: javascript, where, where2.0, where2008, map, tracking, wherecamp